Life · Running

Year 25

The best is yet to come.


In 25 days I turn 25.

It’s true what they say, time goes faster the older you get. To have lived 25 years of my life already feels unreal. So…knowing me, I made a list!

25 Things for going into YEAR 25.

  1. Quarter life crisis’ are real. Trust me.
  2. Saying “no” is the most powerful word you can say and definitely a word that doesn’t need an explanation.
  3. Not just believing in God but experiencing his work first hand is the greatest feeling in the world. You are not wrong for what you believe in either. Trust Him always, not just sometimes.
  4. Never sacrifice these 3 things: your family, your heart, and your dignity.
  5. If you like to run,  for Pete’s sake run your heart out.
  6. Some things don’t make any sense. That plan for your life that was so well figured out, you honestly don’t have to stick to that. 25 used to seem so old but look at you out here about to rock it.
  7. Watching the sunrise on a morning run is the most beautiful, refreshing, and enlightening moment of the day. Learn to get up early.
  8. Money comes, and money goes..but honestly you are the only one that will ever watch it.
  9. Face the awkward stage. You are, “not a girl, not yet a woman.” Like how do you even dress at this point in life? (reason #29578 why I wear running clothes 99% of the time)
  10. Everyone…and I mean everyone…is going through something you have no idea about.  Be kind. Always.
  11. Being happy is a choice. Chose your happiness every. single. day.
  12. Two day hangovers are no joke. Monday morning allergies post a Saturday night out is not a real thing, you just can’t hang like you used to.
  13. Travel and go see the world.  You don’t need a man or anyone to go with you. Do it.
  14. A gut feeling never lies.
  15. Things at this age seem to always be on their last leg. Save your money for these times.
  16. You don’t always have to say “sorry”. Stand up for what you believe in or the things you love.  You should never have to apologize for being who you are.
  17. Ask for help.  Nobody is a mind reader. Don’t be ashamed to ask for help when you need it.
  18. Eat to fuel your body. Eat that tub of ice cream. PB & J’s are still delicious. But learn how to make a couple meals. It’s called balance.
  19. Cry. Cry during romantic movies. Cry from being so happy. Cry because you care. Being 25 doesn’t make you too old to be sappy or romantic.
  20. Express gratitude. Say thank you. Manners aren’t out of style.
  21. Put yourself out there and meet new people. Put out the effort and learn to be bold. This is the only way to have friends at this age.  Also, have friends that are older than you. They teach you so much about life.
  22. Surround yourself with people that make you hungry for life, touch your heart, and nourish your soul.
  23. Don’t let someone who gave up on their dreams in life talk you out of going after yours.
  24. Stop being worried about being “pretty“. Be pretty kind. Pretty funny. Pretty smart. Pretty strong.
  25. It’s totally okay to not know everything. 25 is still young.

4 thoughts on “Year 25

  1. All 25 are real gems! And equally applicable to all walks of life..& ages!
    Wonderful sentiments…thanks for sharing!😃

  2. I said before, you are wise beyond your years. Great post! It took me a lot longer to realize some of those 25 things.

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